ゲノム情報科学研究教育機構  アブストラクト
Date December 10, 2012
Speaker Dr. Sylvain Guillemot, MTA SZTAKI, Hungary
Title Constructing agreement supertrees
Abstract Phylogenetic trees are commonly used by biologists to represent the evolutionary history of a set of species. In this context, it is often desirable to merge several phylogenetic trees in a single tree, called a supertree. The input trees generally come from different phylogenetic studies, and involve different, but overlapping, set of species. In this talk, I will focus on a particular notion of supertree, called an agreement supertree. I will show that this notion, although somewhat restrictive, has nice algorithmic properties. First, I will present a polynomial-time algorithm to decide the existence of a rooted agreement supertree. Second, I will discuss relaxations of the problem, where the goal is to correct a (small) number of errors in the input trees to obtain agreement. The results will be tied together by a common theme of identifying small obstructions in case of disagreement.