ゲノム情報科学研究教育機構  アブストラクト
Date Apr. 9, 2013
Speaker Dr. Koichi Hirata, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Title Tai mapping hierarchy and variations of tree edit distance
Abstract The most famous distance measure comparing rooted labeled trees (trees, for short) is a tree edit distance between them. It is known that the tree edit distance is closely related to a Tai mapping, and the minimum cost of possible Tai mappings coincides with the tree edit distance. In this talk, we introduce the several variations of the Tai mapping, including a segmental mapping which we have introduced at ISAAC 2012. The variations of the Tai mapping provide a hierarchy and imply the variations of the tree edit distance. Then, we present the time complexity for computing the variations of the tree edit distance induced from the hierarchy for ordered and unordered trees. In particular, we present the algorithm for computing the segmental distance.