ゲノム情報科学研究教育機構  アブストラクト
Date Oct 11, 2016
Speaker Kin Fai Au, University of Iowa
Title Transcriptome analysis at the gene isoform level using hybrid sequencing
Abstract New generation sequencing techniques can provide very informative insights into the transcriptome. However, the currently available transcriptome analysis tools are for Second Generation Sequencing (SGS) short reads and the short read length of which can introduce bias and even errors in downstream analysis. While the recent application of Third Generation Sequencing (TGS) long reads, such as PacBio and Oxford Nanopore Technologies data, to human transcriptome analysis has greatly advanced the field, key bioinformatic analysis platforms are missing. Furthermore, hybrid sequencing (Hybrid-Seq), which integrates SGS short read data into the analysis of TGS data, can improve the overall performance and resolution of the output data. Indeed, a handful of existing publications demonstrate the potential power of Hybrid-Seq for genome data analysis. Here I present a series of bioinformatics methods to analyze transcriptome at the gene isoform levels. These methods include 1) LSC to correct the sequencing error of PacBio data; 2) IDP to identify and quantify gene isoforms; 3) IDP-fusion to annotate fusion genes and identify fusion gene isoforms; 4) IDP-ASE to phase genotype and quantify allele-specific expression at the gene isoform level; 5) IDP-denovo to de novo assemble and annotate transcripts for non-model organism without depending on reference genome. The proof-of-concept applications to breast cancer cells and human embryonic stem cells reveal the isoform-level complexity of fusion gene expression and allele-specific expression, and also discover novel genes involved in pluripotency regulation, novel tumorigenesis-relevant gene fusions and ASE bias of oncogenes and pluripotency markers.