ゲノム情報科学研究教育機構  アブストラクト
Date Dec 22, 2016
Speaker Dr. Hisashi Endo, Marine Biogeochemistry & Biological Oceanography, Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University
Title Contrasting biogeography and diversity patterns between diatoms and haptophytes in the central Pacific Ocean
Abstract Diatoms and haptophytes are two major phytoplankton groups in the ocean, and play pivotal roles in global biogeochemical cycles and marine ecosystems. Although diatoms and haptophytes are generally grouped as r- and K-selected species, respectively, the influence of different ecological traits on geographical distribution and diversity patterns remain poorly understood. We therefore examined the basin-scale variability in taxonomic composition and diversity of these two groups in the Pacific Ocean using DNA metabarcoding. The diatom community was generally dominated by a few genera at each sample site, whereas the haptophyte community consisted of a variety of genera at these stations. These results suggested greater intra-genus competition among diatoms. Additionally, the diversity of haptophytes correlated linearly with environmental variables, but diatom diversity was unrelated to those parameters. This indicates that the diatom community was more affected by other factors such as physical forcing and biotic interactions.