ゲノム情報科学研究教育機構  アブストラクト
Date Mar 8, 2018
Speaker Dr. Jean-Michel Claverie, Structural & Genomic Information Lab., Mediterranean Institute of Microbiology, Professor of Medicine (PU1/PH)- Genomics and Bioinformatics, Aix-Marseille University School of Medicine.
Title 1) ACD 2.0: new general purpose statistical tools 2) the challenge of annotating G+C rich giant virus genomes
Abstract Jean-Michel is a prominent bioinformatician, leading the study of giant viruses by his discoveries of Mimiviruses, Pandoraviruses, Pithoviruses, Moliviruses and bioinformatics, genomics and proteomics characterization of these viruses. Jean-Michel has co-authored more than 230 scientific publications and he was a member of the Board of reviewing editors for Science for 10 years. He is a recipient of the CNRS silver medal and made a knight of the academic palms national order. Jean-Michel is a great speaker, so please join in the seminar.