ゲノム情報科学研究教育機構  アブストラクト
Date October 16, 2006
Speaker Dr. Yoshinobu IGARASHI, Burnham Institute for Medical Research
Title CutDB - a proteolytic event database
Abstract   Proteolytic events are involved in multiple aspects of regulation in eukaryotic cells and play a major role in many diseases, including viral infections. However, the information on proteolytic events is dispersed in original papers, and as a result, is not amenable for large-scale analysis. CutDB is one of the first systematic attempts to collect such information and present it in an easy to access form. CutDB offers not only easy-searchable interfaces to retrieve the data including a clickable network diagram but also has a community annotation option based on a Wikipedia approach. Users can modify the content using designated structured fields with/without an input assist system, as well as express their opinion and provide additional information as free text. CutDB allows and welcome contribution by users, and is currently expanding at a high pace aided by dozens of volunteers. So far, we specifically focused on protelytic events involving matrix metalloproteases. Our ultimate goal is to reconstruct proteolytic pathways in a broad biological context. This effort will allow us to improve understanding of the role of proteolysis in various biological processes. CutDB is publicly available at http://cutdb.burnham.org.