ゲノム情報科学研究教育機構  アブストラクト
Date October 25, 2012
Speaker Dr. Didier Rognan, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), France
Title Fingerprinting protein cavities and protein-ligand complexes for drug design
Abstract The combinatorial explosion of bioactivity and structural data on protein-ligand complexes of pharmaceutical interest enable the generation of large matrices to better understand reasons for either fine selectivity or polypharmacology. We herewith present various 1-D fingerprints featuring either druggable cavity attributes or protein-ligand complexes in various drug design scenarios:
- predict the structural druggability of any given pocket
- predict possible off-targets from binding site similarity calculations
- screen a ligand against 3600 targets to get a polypharmacology profile
- post-process docking poses by interaction fingerprint similarity
compare interaction patterns across the Protein Data Bank to enable scaffold hopping