ゲノム情報科学研究教育機構  アブストラクト
Date July 12, 2013
Speaker Dr. Jean-Philippe Vert, Mines ParisTech - Curie Institute
Title Flip-Flop: Fast lasso-based isoform prediction from RNA-seq data
Abstract Several state-of-the-art methods for isoform identification and quantification from RNA-seq data are based on sparse probabilistic models, such as Lasso regression. However, explicitly listing the -- possibly exponentially -- large set of candidate transcripts is intractable for genes with many exons. For this reason, existing approaches using sparse models are either restricted to genes with few exons, or only run the regression algorithm on a small set of pre-selected isoforms. In this talk I will present a new technique, called FlipFlop, based on network flow optimization which can efficiently tackle the sparse estimation problem on the full set of candidate isoforms. By removing the need of preselection step, we obtain better isoform identification while keeping a low computational cost. Experiments with synthetic and real single-end. Experiments with synthetic and real RNA-Seq data confirm that our approach is more accurate than alternatives methods and one of the fastest available. This is a joint work with Elsa Bernard, Laurent Jacob and Julien Mairal.