ゲノム情報科学研究教育機構  アブストラクト
Date 2:00pm Mar 13, 2020
Speaker Matteo Convertino
Associate Professor, Nexus Group, PI
Faculty of Information Science and Technology
Gi-CoRE Station for Big Data & Cybersecurity
Hokkaido University
Title Ecosystem Nexus: from E.coli to Ocean Bacterioplankton Collective Patterns
The talk will address models (theoretical and computational) and findings about biological and biota-environmental networks from single to multiple bacterial species populations in human and natural ecosystems. The fundamental role of the environment (captured in the space-time continuum as hydro-driven flow) is highlighted in determining functional species network topology and phase transitions associated to healthy and dysbiotic states. Patterns of collective organization and early-warning indicators are proposed to assess the optimality of ecosystems and their divergence. The quest is for a general metabolic theory of basin ecosystem functioning as information processing, leading to understanding complex environmental dynamics underpinning biota organization, bio-inspired technology and multiscale biosystems engineering to control population patterns as ecosystem services. Examples of ongoing microbiome engineering projects connecting science and technology are provided.