ゲノム情報科学研究教育機構  アブストラクト
Date 2:00pm Apr 12, 2022
Speaker Edda Klipp
Humboldt University of Berlin
Title Mathematical modeling of signaling networks in time and space
Signaling pathways relay information about changes inside and outside of the cell to specific recipients such as transcription factors or metabolic enzymes. The experimental investigation of signaling pathways has created an enormous amount of facts and data of different type. In order to integrate such data and to allow derivation of concepts, mathematical modeling is instrumental.
Here, we present an overview of computational modeling techniques ranging from Boolean modeling to differential equations, from dynamics without considering space to spatio-temporal processes as well as including stochastic and deterministic approaches. We discuss the applicability of the approaches given the available amount and character of data and we show some examples where mathematical modeling was crucial to understand the logic, dynamics and regulation of cellular signaling processes. We also discuss the amount of information that a pathway can transmit depending on its wiring and parameters.
Based on a recent data set, we discuss first steps and future concepts for the integration of time-resolved mRNA, proteome and phospho-proteome data into dynamic signaling networks.
