ゲノム情報科学研究教育機構  アブストラクト
Date 10:00am June 22, 2022
Speaker Morgan Gaia
Genoscope, CEA, Every, France
Title The viral eukaryogenesis hypothesis in the Tree of Life
The structure of the Tree of Life, representing the evolution of the three cellular domains, is a debated question, particularly regarding the position of Eukaryotes. In the two-domain (2D) scenario, Eukaryotes emerged from within Archaea as sister clade to the Asgard superphylum; in the three-domain (3D) scenario, Eukaryotes and Archaea share a common ancestor. However, these scenarios often elude the roles that viruses could have played in the evolution of cellular domains. For the last 20 years, new concepts and results have notably provided an increasing support to the viral eukaryogenesis hypothesis, which attributes potential critical roles to giant viruses in the emergence and early evolution of modern eukaryotes.”
